DAAD scholarships for research stays abroad and the establishment of research collaborations

Research stays abroad are important for establishing research contacts for future projects and gaining new impetus for your own research and career development. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports research stays and the establishment of cooperation through various scholarship programmes.

The following list provides a rough guide to DAAD scholarships and programmes. The respective country-specific conditions must also be taken into account.

Congress travel programme

The congress travel programme supports active participation in international scientific congresses and conferences.
Depending on the distance, the funding categories include different funding rates.

Responsible Open Science

Short-term scholarships for doctoral students

The short-term scholarships for doctoral students are used to fund research stays abroad during the doctorate. The stays can last 1-12 months and, if required, can be flexibly divided between several host institutions, several countries and several time periods.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin mit einem aufgeschlagenen Buch, dass links die Abbildung eines mittelalterlichen Schriftstücks enth?lt, daneben zwei weitere Bücher. Dahinter ein Widescreen-Monitor mit der Anzeige einer Vortragsfolie "Maschinelle CC-Annotation"

Short scholarships for PostDocs

The short scholarships for postdocs support the realisation of a self-selected research project abroad. This makes it possible to gain an important qualification step for a later career in science, business or the cultural sector.
Funding is available for stays abroad lasting 3-6 months.


The "PRIME-Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience" programme promotes international mobility in the postdoctoral phase through fixed-term positions at German universities instead of traditional scholarships.
The funding comprises a 12-month phase abroad and a 6-month integration phase in Germany.

Bilateral exchange of scientists

The aim of the programme is to improve international relations and bilateral research cooperation between German and foreign universities.
The exchange is based on cultural exchange programmes between the Federal Republic of Germany and partner countries as well as bilateral agreements with foreign partner organisations.


The aim of the "Project-related exchange of persons (with different countries) programme" (PPP) is to initiate or intensify binational partnership-based research activities between a German and a foreign university or research institution in order to strengthen scientific relations.

Further scholarship programmes - including a number of subject-specific programmes - can be researched in the DAAD scholarship database.


Some applications require a legally binding signature. Please contact us in good time, i.e. at least 10 working days before the planned submission. Please note that the necessary coordination and clarification processes take at least one week.

The service of the Research Unit

Our service for your application includes

  • Advice on the suitability of the project for the selected funding line
  • Obtaining the legally binding signature (if necessary)
  • Feedback on the structure and persuasiveness of your application from a non-technical perspective
  • Feedback with regard to suitability and consistency with the requirements of the funding body
  • Advice on financial planning
  • Advice on cross-cutting issues

Contact persons

Jutta Deppe

Answers your questions during the application process:

Applications in the above funding lines.

Dr. Katharina Koenig

Answers your questions during the application process:

Applications in the above funding lines.

Grants and External Funding

If you have any questions about third-party funding that has already been approved, please get in touch with the contact persons in grants and external funding (Department 2.3).